Thursday, August 28, 2014

Sokolow quoted in Inside Higher Ed’s “Cottage Industry on Preventing Sexual Assault”

In the last decade the University Risk Management and Insurance Association's membership has more than doubled. One of the largest firms, the National Center for Higher Education Risk Management, has worked with 3,000 campus clients, according to its co-founder and president, Brett Sokolow. The Association of Title IX Coordinators, or ATIXA, was also founded by Sokolow and has trained more than 2,000 Title IX investigators since the Dear Colleague letter announced that the federal government would be leveraging Title IX to combat campus sexual assault. NCHERM is also a law firm, currently representing 50 colleges and universities.

NCHERM helps universities deal with more than sexual assault, Sokolow said, but he has seen a definite uptick in that portion of the center's work since the release of the letter.

"I think the increased complexity of many issues, regulations, laws, and responsibilities, has created a heightened need for consulting expertise in a number of arenas," he said. "The way that Title IX impacts on campus sexual violence and other forms of discrimination is technical, complex, and challenging. It is natural for campuses to turn to experts for advice, and for many colleges, we are their lawyers or have the expertise that can help them as they wrestle with complicated and layered issues."

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