Tuesday, March 24, 2015

McCreary quoted on Penn State fraternity exploitation case

Penn State is in the midst of a pivotal opportunity to reform not only its own system but also encourage other systems across the country to change, said Gentry McCreary, a consultant with the National Center for Higher Education Risk Management.

While smaller colleges have made strides toward overhauling their fraternity systems, McCreary said it would take a "high-profile, flagship institution" like Penn State to prompt change across the country.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sokolow quoted in The Daily Targum on Rutgers case

“If (the man) committed an act of rape, and by that I mean something very specific, legally, then he absolutely ought to be expelled,” [Sokolow] said. “A three-semester suspension, in my view, would not be appropriate.”

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

ATIXA issues first in a series: Position statement on concealed carry

ATIXA issues first in a series: Position Statement on Concealed Carry Legislation Related to Campus Sexual Violence

Monday, March 16, 2015

Think Progress quotes Swinton on fraternity training

“On the heels of the situation at the University of Oklahoma, I think people are going to be more attuned to issues of civil rights — issues of harassment and discrimination in the broader sense. At least I hope they are,” Swinton said. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

ATIXA's Response to "Chronicle Conversation"

Please see ATIXA’s response to being called out in today’s “Chronicle Conversation.”


Monday, March 9, 2015

Chronicle quotes Sokolow on access to counseling records

Steering students away from campus counseling centers, as Ms. Pryal has advised, is also wrong, Mr. Sokolow said. "Administrators cannot and should not access a student’s counseling records without permission. We direct victims to counseling because it is confidential."