Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Response from The NCHERM Group: The Corporatization of Colleges with Respect to Responding to Sexual Violence

Yesterday, Al Jazeera America carried an opinion piece decrying the corporatization of colleges with respect to responding to sexual violence.  Dana Bolger, who wrote the opinion piece, is one of the founders of Know Your IX.  Certainly corporatization is concerning, but Ms. Bolger would have readers believe that all college administrators care about is the bottom line, how they look in the press and how to avoid liability.  As someone who works with administrators every day, I find they are empathic, caring and engaged in what is best for students, for the most part.  Any field has its corruption, but a blanket assertion of the evils of the corporate university does a disservice to how hard most university administrators work to make their campuses safe and responsive to student concerns.  

Ms. Bolger also took issue with a previous Tip of the Week we wrote, entitled "Twenty Steps to OCR-Proof Your Campus on Title IX.”  Bolger offered it up as a prime example of the corporate evil of colleges, so I took another look at it to see what was so offensive in what we wrote.  Actually, I like the content so much we’re going to run it again. View the original  Tip of the Week here. I’m sorry Ms. Bolger didn’t like the title, but I think keeping OCR off of college campuses is a good thing when there is no reason for OCR to investigate a campus.  The Tip is about doing the right thing so that a campus is compliant, and OCR has no basis to investigate.  Bolger characterizes it as advice to “avoid” an OCR investigation, but that’s smear language. It’s advice to prevent an investigation.  Read it for yourself.

Does Know Your IX just want more investigations for the sake of investigations, or does it actually want colleges to do the right thing and fully comply with or exceed the requirements of law? Hopefully, it’s the latter.  If that is all she can cherry-pick to mischaracterize us, she may be hoping no one actually clicks the link. I wonder how many of our 20 recommendations Ms. Bolger actually disagrees with?  I’ll hope she’ll post on that.  

Know Your IX has done much good with its activism and advocacy, and Ms. Bolger’s leadership and courage is to be commended.  The credibility of Know Your IX and its work will be measured by the accuracy of the complaints it files and the opinion pieces it writes.  Fuzzy math won’t help. Ms. Bolger adds 2+2 and comes up with 5 when she asserts that a majority of the 61 campuses currently under investigation by OCR are listed by The NCHERM Group as clients.  Our client list includes 17 years of campus clients.  Some haven’t been clients in a decade, but used our services at some point.  Other campuses used our services for something completely unrelated to Title IX.  So, I’d like to help Ms. Bolger with her math.  The total number of campuses regularly using our consulting services on Title IX, who are now being investigated by OCR, is ZERO.  Maybe it’s because they follow our tips of the week, rather than attacking them?  

When Schools Put Their Brands Before Assaulted Students
Originally Published June 10th, 2014

Twenty Steps to OCR-Proof Your Campus on Title IX
Originally Released August 26th, 2013

Brett A. Sokolow, President & CEO
116 E. King Street
Malvern, PA 19355
(610) 993-0229

Click here to read the PDF.

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