The White House is ramping
up pressure on K-12 schools to improve their response to incidents of
sexual harassment and assault among students. The administration released
several documents on September 19, 2016 reminding schools of their
obligations under Title IX to respond to reports of students being sexually
harassed or assaulted, and of factors to consider when dealing with students
who experience trauma.
Read an article here.
- Considerations
for School District Sexual Misconduct Policies highlights
issues for K-12 districts to consider when bringing together a
multi-disciplinary team to develop sexual misconduct policies as part of
their overall response to sexual misconduct. By using this document as a
guide, it will enable K-12 teams to include all the essential components
of a comprehensive sexual misconduct plan. The document covers reporting
options, support services for victims, definitions, confidentiality, the
grievance process, and other critical areas. It also provides links to Federal
government resources for those wanting further detail on a particular
- Safe
Place to Learn is an online, interactive resource package,
funded by the Department of Education, to support efforts to create a
positive school climate and healthy learning environment. This package
highlights strategies and instruments with which many schools are already
working to create a school community committed to preventing discrimination
based on sex and its most extreme corollary, sexual violence. The
materials in the package aim to help three primary staff groups:
administrative leadership; all building staff; and staff responsible for
interceding and responding to students. The resource package contains
guidance, e-learning training modules, and information about trauma
sensitivity, resources to support current and ongoing conversations and
efforts to prevent bullying, sexual harassment and violence, and provide
safe, supportive learning environments for all students, in
age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate ways.