Friday, September 27, 2013

The School and College Organization for Prevention Educators (SCOPE) is proud to be partnered with USA Today and Media Planet to highlight violence prevention. In this article, Michelle N. Issadore, SCOPE Executive Director, explains the importance of primary prevention.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Brett A. Sokolow, NCHERM Group President & CEO, authored a commentary in The Chronicle of Higher Education
To help clear up confusion, the Association of Title IX Administrators, which I lead, has set forth a policy model for mandatory reporting. It recognizes that a simple rule is needed, given the disparate reporting requirements of Title VII and Title IX, which deal with discrimination; the Clery Act, which requires colleges to disclose information about campus crime; and state child-abuse laws.

Friday, September 20, 2013

A Developmental Framework for A Code of Student Conduct: The NCHERM Group Model Code Project

This project was borne from intense internal debate within The NCHERM Group about the merits of model codes, as a concept. We were torn. We’ve written more than seventy-five codes of conduct for various college and university clients. All are different, and were custom crafted in a collaborative process of identifying goals, needs, and the unique qualities of each campus culture. One size-fits-all was not the NCHERM way.
Click here to see the official press release.

Monday, September 16, 2013

NCHERM Group President & CEO, Brett Sokolow, quoted in The Huffington Post

Brett A. Sokolow, an attorney and president of the National Center for Higher Education Risk Management, said the federal government would likely have been “less than thrilled with that response, then or today.” Telling a student who said she was raped to delay reporting could represent a “failure of promptness,” Sokolow said.

Friday, September 13, 2013

NCHERM Group Affiliated Consultant, Gentry McCreary, Ph.D., elected to AFA Board of Directors

Congratulations to NCHERM Group affiliated consultant, Gentry McCreary, Ph.D. on his election to the Association of Fraternity Sorority Advisors Board of Directors!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

NaBITA Advisory Board member, Josh Gunn, quoted in Inside Higher Ed

“It used to be where you’d ramp up during the course of the semester,” said Josh E. Gunn, president of the American College Counseling Association and director of counseling and psychological services at Kennesaw State University. “Now they’re coming in sooner. Our appointments seem to definitely be filling up earlier at the start of the semester than they used to, and I don’t know what’s causing that, honestly.”

Read more:
Inside Higher Ed 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The NCHERM Group Online Trainings is a new endeavor to provide quality, distance learning education and discussion opportunities to colleges and universities across the country and around the world.

The NCHERM Group and its affiliated associations, SCOPE, ATIXA and NaBITA, have identified experts from numerous fields to bring you quality online programs that address the most pressing needs in threat assessment, prevention education, sexual assault response, higher education legal issues, administrative best practices and risk management. Two of these online trainings are highlighted below:

  • Hamsters in the Hallways: Navigating the Law Regarding Animals on Campus
    Co-sponsored by The NCHERM Group and ATIXA
    Click here to register.
    Date and Time: October 2, 2013, 1pm ET
  • Training Front Office Staff to Identify, Report and Manage Disruptive and Dangerous Behavior
    Co-Sponsored by The NCHERM Group and NaBITA
    Click here to register.
    Date and Time: November 6, 2013 1pm ET

    For more information on our Online Training offerings, visit our website

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mandated Reporting Online Training by ATIXA and The NCHERM Group

Mandated Reporting of Sexual Misconduct by Campus Employees: A New Online Training From ATIXA &The NCHERM Group, LLC is designed to inform employees about their duty to report sexual abuse, sexual misconduct and other behaviors that fall under Title IX. This training can be used in large groups or individually, and is appropriate for all employees, including staff, administrators and faculty.